Spectrum Support & SENDiTots run under the umbrella of FACES, Bedford.
We are a parent to parent support group for parent/ carers who have children with (or believe to have) ASD and or ADHD.
The aim of the group is to offer advice and support for parents/carers, as well as signposting to other relevant services. We want to empower and instill confidence in parents/carers in order to help them understand how the diagnosis affects their children so that they are better able to advocate for them, as well as helping them to navigate their way through all of the ‘professional jargon’!!
SENDiTots is run at a Bedford Children’s Centre once a month (term time only) on a Thursday afternoon.
This group is for parents & pre-schoolers who have additional needs, believe to have additional needs, or if you have older children with ASD / ADHD & finding attending groups with a younger child a barrier to accessing support.
The group is relaxed (as much as it can be
) for children to play & parents to chat without the feeling of judgement because their littlun is trying to climb on the tables or tip all of the toys out … we expect this & hopefully allow parents to feel at ease 

Booking in is essential for SENDiTots – we need to keep numbers to a manageable level for the children’s sensory needs 

If you would like more information please email Stacey on: stacey@facesbedford.org